Plantar Warts Require a Visit to a Podiatrist

A wart is a soft tissue condition caused by the human papillomavirus. When this virus enters your body through cracks or tiny cuts on the bottom of your feet, they can cause plantar warts. These small growths typically develop on your heels or other weight-bearing spots on your feet, which causes them to grow inward, usually underneath a thick layer of skin known as a callous.

If you have plantar warts or unsure of skin lesion that has appeared on your foot then its time to see a podiatrist.

Identifying plantar warts: It’s easy to confuse plantar warts with corns and calluses. Corns and calluses develop when your feet build up dead layers of skin to protect them against regular irritation. Unlike corns and calluses, however, plantar warts are the result of a viral infection, and they typically have a rough surface with a well-defined boundary. When they develop on the tops of your feet or toes, they’re usually raised and have a fleshy appearance. But, warts on the bottoms of your feet are typically flat and hard because they’re forced to grow inward.

Other signs of a plantar wart include:

A gray or brownish appearance

A center with one or more tiny, black pinpoints

A callous over the well-defined “spot”

Pain or tenderness when bearing weight

Warts can also fuse together to create clusters known as mosaic warts.

When to see a podiatrist: In many cases, plantar warts go away on their own, but it can take months or years for this to happen. Furthermore, because these warts are caused by a virus, they are contagious and can spread from person to person.

Additional factors that may require medical attention include having:

Warts that bleed or change appearance

Persistent, recurring, or multiple warts

Diabetes, nerve damage, or poor sensitivity in your feet

A weakened immune system

You should also schedule an appointment if the growth limits your activities or if you’re unsure if it’s a wart.

Treating plantar warts

We will recommend the right treatment based on the severity of your symptoms and the extent of your condition. Common treatments for plantar warts include:

Topical medications

Shaving the wart and applying a special acid

Minor surgery

To get rid of your plantar warts or to have a suspicious growth on your foot inspected, book an appointment online at or over the phone (301)441-2655 with Renaissance Foot & Ankle Center today.

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