Foot Safety Tips for the Pool

Summer is right around the corner and the pools are opening back up! Continue reading to learn more about how to avoid foot hazards and how to properly care for your feet when swimming at the public pool.

How to Avoid Infections & Communicable Diseases

  • Wear flip flops/sandals in showers and other pool areas – bacteria and fungus flourish on wet surfaces
  • Wash and dry feet, especially between the toes – feet and toenails are more vulnerable to infection when wet or damp
  • Don’t share towels – fungus & other microbes can stay on towels and spread from one person to another

How to Avoid Skin Pruning

When you have been submerged underwater for an extended period of time it is natural for your skin to become wrinkly. Don’t be alarmed if this happens, it is completely natural! Just don’t forget to stay hydrated throughout your swim day, avoid scorching temperatures, and limit the amount of time you are in the water.

How to Avoid Poolside Injuries

Follow these tips to avoid minor/major injuries such as scrapes, cuts, bruises, fractures, etc…

  • Be aware of your surroundings such as floaties, water toys, pool chairs, etc…
  • Walk with caution – the area around you is wet and slippery !
  • Do not run !!!

How to Prevent Sunburn

Although it’s something you don’t think about often but the feet can get sunburned too! To prevent this don’t forget to apply sunscreen to the top and bottom of your feet and in between your toes.

  • Use water resistant sunscreen so that it lasts while you are underwater
  • Reapply the sunscreen every so often so that you lower the risk of getting sunburned on your feet

Keep you and your family safe this summer by following these quick tips and tricks! Also don’t forget to give the office a call at (301) 441-2655 and schedule your appointment if you have any concerns.

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