7223 Hanover Parkway Suite B, Greenbelt, MD 20770

(301) 441-2655


  • Foot Fracture

    There are 26 bones in the foot. These bones support our weight and allow us to walk and run. Certain activities or injuries can cause a fracture, or “break,” in one or more of these bones. Pain, swelling, redness, and even bruising are signs of a possible fracture. Fractures of the foot can be diagnosed

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  • Foot Lumps

    Foot lumps are soft tissue masses (not bone) that can occur anywhere on the foot.  They can be caused by soft tissue swelling, sacs of fluid, fatty tissue, and nerve, vessel or muscle enlargements. Foot lumps may be without pain (asymptomatic) or they can cause pain and affect the function of the foot. 

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  • Foot Odor

    Foot odor is a common condition in children and adults who wear shoes on a daily basis. People with smelly feet may also suffer from sweaty feet. Most people with this condition will have sweaty and smelly feet year round, not just in the hot summer months. The odor is produced by bacteria and/or fungus

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  • Foot Rash

    A rash on the foot can have a variety of causes. It may be a form of eczema, which is usually very itchy. It also may be an allergic reaction to something with which your feet have come into contact, such as materials in your shoe or poison ivy. Another common reason for a foot rash is athlete’s foot,

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  • Football Injuries to the Foot and Ankle

    Football players can receive injuries to the foot and ankle due to running, side to side cutting, or from direct trauma, such as from another player during a tackle. They should be aware of the following risks: Inversion ankle sprains can damage the ankle ligaments, and can also be associated

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Renaissance Foot & Ankle Center


7223 Hanover Parkway Suite B,
Greenbelt, MD 20770

Hours of Operation


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:30 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 4:00 pm



