7223 Hanover Parkway Suite B, Greenbelt, MD 20770

(301) 441-2655


  • Flatfoot-Pediatric

    What Is Pediatric Flatfoot? Flatfoot is common in both children and adults. When this deformity occurs in children, it is referred to as “pediatric flatfoot.” Although there are various forms of flatfoot, they all share one characteristic – partial or total collapse of the arch.   Pediatric

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  • Flexible Flatfoot

    What Is Flatfoot? Flatfoot is often a complex disorder, with diverse symptoms and varying degrees of deformity and disability. There are several types of flatfoot, all of which have one characteristic in common: partial or total collapse (loss) of the arch.   Other characteristics shared by most

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  • Foot Arthritis

    Arthritis is a general term for a group of more than 100 diseases. “Arthritis” means “joint inflammation.” When it affects joints of the foot it can produce swelling and pain, and may eventually result in deformity, loss of joint function, and decreased ability to walk. The most common form

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  • Foot Bumps

    Foot bumps are bony projections that can occur anywhere on the foot. They can be a natural enlargement of a foot bone, or they can be an extra bone. They can be asymptomatic (without pain) or symptomatic (painful). If they are not painful, they can usually be accommodated by shoe gear. Painful foot

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  • Foot Drop

    "Foot drop” refers to the inability to lift the front part of one’s foot off the ground when walking, resulting in a scuffing or dragging of the foot or lifting the thigh (known as “steppage” gait). It is most often caused by nerve or muscle disorders or damage, or by a central nervous system

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Renaissance Foot & Ankle Center


7223 Hanover Parkway Suite B,
Greenbelt, MD 20770

Hours of Operation


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:30 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 4:00 pm



